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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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government fury. after the assassination of a prominent opposition figure which saw a blaming the ruling party. one of the german chancellor's main political rivals attacks her policies claiming they've been simply too hard on the euro zone's weakest members. find out why greece could be the key battleground states in the general election. and other stuff as old as russia gets set to mark exactly a yeah till it stage is what's become the most expensive olympic games in history the report from the host city of sochi.
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from the new center here in moscow this is r.t. with the twenty four hours a day with international news and comment. police have clashed with protesters and tear gas after angry mobs attacked the offices of the ruling islam ist party thousands of taking to the streets across the country to protest against the government the public fury followed the assassination of the leading opposition figure. with some holding the government responsible the opposition has called for a general strike and four parties are suspending their membership in the country's making body international relations professor mark almond says the government will be hard pressed to survive until the upcoming elections in june. tension between the opposition the ruling. has been growing or election. in
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a few months time in the two years since the revolution the economy and unity has taken a nosedive i was there in january and in addition to the tourist businesses being dramatically cut hotels empty until you have factories that used to supply components to european companies shot unemployment is rising to this it had been presented as the nearest thing to a success story there hadn't been too much violence but unfortunately as i say these distant disappointments with the failure to make life better life got worse and the sense that there is a check tree that takes many people in trinity away from what they wanted and so was big tension about the coming elections and whether we'll get to those elections without a real political crisis on the streets and perhaps changing the government one problem for the poor ocean is here is that it doesn't have many natural resources so that it's rather neglected by the west as nobody has any great interest in trying to prop it up and so it's regimes fall of the colony is now in the nosedive and it's surrounded by recently tense areas to the east and south and it's
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getting no real help from the north this is if you were trying to position which nations. well know this so i get the latest from far to some tea she's a reporter with joining us from cheeriness forward just to establish the fact that the communication is good enough can you hear me that all right yeah if you could tell us what is the situation in the streets of the capital at the moment. right now is relatively calm down but. the police had to use tear gas to disperse the crowds and there have been human rights in the streets of the capital tunis. and what about the authorities response all they making any attempt to appease the protest has. the government down and begins this morning the prime minister. and also we have.
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political. analysts so far there hasn't been easy clear decisions. that. people down but we understand the opposition's actually refusing to talk to the government and yet there has been a gesture from the ruling party to enter into some sort of dog is that true. of the opposition parties have met today and they ended up deciding any to disband their membership if they can at the national press you can be soundly and even call for a general strike set trap but we haven't heard. any of these from the tracon. choose to participate and sit in such he digs or it sounded similar to. this. well what about the opposition. blaming the
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ruling party for this assassination and yet the ruling party is pointing the finger at what it calls a full room do you know. think about that. i think. he can find not many. of. them. and. then he'd be more patient. time. and how would the government. because i am. not the one. that is. trying. to. chaos now but you wonder why when bearing in mind that many people perceive this revolution as being generally successful and yet now it seems that the country's turning into an unstable situation just briefly how serious could it get there in
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tunis here. today i'm not really i have that many people have. been or could have been and if you want to really have that feeling that happened yeah. right now pretty you have a. we don't know how. we live even in. united . and not. ok for us thank you very much indeed for joining us live from tunis. correspondent in the capital of tunis you know. it's predicted the outcome of this year's general election in germany could be majorly swayed by the kind of it's different approaches towards the greek economic crisis and america's main challenge of the country's full of finance minister says
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she's being simply too on athens all of the reports. main contender to angola merkel in this year's general election the social democrat party's peacetime brooke has said this his vision for how to deal with the greek problem is to give greece a little bit more time and for everybody else around the world to be essentially willing to spend a little bit more money now that includes germany of course this goes up against what has been angola merkel's message all the way which is that it's all by austerity and by a sturdy alone and cutting that deficit now that greece can get itself financially back on its feet now what is interesting is that in the german elections we're seeing the key battleground becoming greece. and now one of the reasons that we've seen the s.t.p. . jump on this is because essentially they smell blood he said himself after the most recent local elections which took place last month that's change was possible
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this year and in order and one of the reasons he can say that is his party is absolutely killing angle merkel's coalition when it comes to domestic issues if you speak to the german people one thing they will all tell you is what the vast majority will tell you is that they do support angola merkel's view when it comes to dealing with the euro crisis what we're now seeing is peacetime brooke saying i'm going to challenge angle merkel on her own turf and put forward my own theory about how to deal with greece. heavy clashes have erupted in syria's capital damascus rebels launched attacks on army checkpoints in the regime controlled part of one of its neighborhoods meanwhile reports of surface again of fighting among the rebels themselves well for more let's talk to the editor in chief of the syria tribune online blog dr ali mohammed he joins me from dubai it's not the first time we've heard of clashes between different rebel groups why are these happening don't they all have the same goal. they have the same goal of course they want an
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islamic state to the other parts just one of the whole region and some other parts hardly have a goal or two or even a personal clash between two leaders or through group could result in terms of casualties and it happened several times unless perhaps it was like weeks ago when nearly four. normally don't have the same thought and the they are the they don't form your ideology or the road map leading them to any of their goals and there just weren't anything that could cause the clash between them and it's happening all the time and that lack of unity is indicative in the fact that many fighters now in syria refuse to recognize a country's main opposition group the national coalition why is that because the coalition itself says it will be able to pacify all those various groups once president sad is toppled. you know we've heard this promise you national council of the beginning and now from the coalition and this is just funny it's just like
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earlier all of this will be lighter and there will be nicer ones different than it is now and that's not a very you have a d.v.d. they cannot actually controlled it and they try even when the you have listed has it on its black lives with not of defending it because they know they cannot control it so nor be because lucian is dreaming you believe that they can control the group talk to the top leader. of the most important part is that these are the princes and they will if you created people they are not full of the shoes they are not the fighters for freedom they are just work princes and nobody will be able to control them but the syrian army and of course russia lavrov not long ago said that the syrian opposition is too fragmented to begin meaningful peaceful talk to the government that softer or what russia would like to see some internal dialogue some chat going on between all the parties involved in syria but that isn't going to
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happen that. let's examine what happened last week the head of the coalition who proposed some sort of down with the government despite the realistic conditions that he asked for but right after all of that many of the members of the coalition spoke against that and for some three dozen or so yes they don't like meant it and let's face it the coalition was formed because the on hillary clinton's wish and request and it was a very clear that hillary clinton won the one behind in four weeks coalition and the coalition will only be able to do what its founder and main financing. entity will ask them to do and if they don't do that they will lose this financing they would lose the support so they have to do this and simply have they don't know how to hold and they cannot because they are not united and they don't have the same if you will so it's a big mess and if the west would like to see this big mess falling the country well let's talk about how this is affecting the wider region how the wider region can be involved in this iran has vowed to stand by syria after those apparent israeli
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airstrikes on that convoy last week the thing that. can do now so help the assad regime. oh well first of all let's give door to what you write your mind can do a lot to help syria not the sort of the team further only and yes you have and many other countries in the region can do all along to help syria i personally think dialogue by supporting. the three will of the syrian people by refusing the wish of the western nations of the syrian people and mainly by facilitating their work and financing for forces there to be the key to any progress in this crisis just like what the show is doing what china is doing it with many other countries not so interesting enough you do say that they would not directly help sad self that's quite pertinent comment you make. well this is this is this has been have very important the debate since the beginning of the crisis for example me myself i
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have been accused of supporting and although i used to be in the opposition before the crisis now we are supporting or three and this is what we are asking russia or iran or all of the three nations in the world to stop what country and the will or people and if the will or people coincides with staying in power for the coming years then but it's not because of the should help as they have it's because they should help the syrian people just finally israel justified in fearing serious consequences if the country does indeed collapse if the assad regime does go and perhaps the country plunges into anarchy. well let's think about israel's interest if the regime. collapses this will be a huge disaster for the whole region not for israel personally for the whole region including israel turkey and many other countries dr mohamad from syria tribune online great to talk to you thank you very much indeed for your thoughts and joining us live here on r.t. thank you. we're coming from the russian capital with you twenty four hours
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a day coming up this hour in just a couple of minutes from now a lack of medical public inquiries engulfed britain's health care system in a massive negligence and abuse scandal we'll bring you the details along with the accounts of witnesses shortly plus other stories after the break. the way. the.
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party live here must go off to use a preparation sleepless nights and hard work russia has something to celebrate tomorrow the official count down to the twenty fourteen winter olympics begins the games have already broken the record books becoming the most expensive ever staged
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. reports on the changing face of the host city of sochi. piece by piece sot she's a limp the dream is coming together continues around the clock but with a year to go things are shaping up fast and the company in charge of construction has a simple message despite building everything from scratch russia will be ready. we plan to introduce all the facilities before the games start training facilities are ready practically all of them of host to test competitions all hotels and olympic villages are in the final phase of construction are being refurbished and furnished the show jewels to open in the autumn we plan to complete construction long before the end of the year so personal can train and managers can gain experience in providing a good service but it cheating this goal has come at a staggering price hosting these games is costing around fifty billion dollars making them the most expensive in the intake history they cost ten times more than
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the last winter games in vancouver and ten billion dollars more than the beijing summer games however the results can already be seen and they are impressive if you do take a quick look around you can see what money can buy at the center of the olympic park which is six pennies all within a stone's throw of each other to host the curling the skating and the ice hockey and this is the june in the crown the bolshoi i stay inside this past hockey arena is pristine i'm ready for use it will stay to the under eighteen will championships in april want to keep does an international event that will test. before the games begin a cycle for thought she twenty fourteen is hot cool because the park is them by the blacks in case their uncle because all the alpine events or take place just forty kilometers away. it is a similar story that not much was paid before but also couture resort has sprung up
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from nowhere to become the home of. the biathlon and cross-country courses have also been created along with the bobsled track and then there's something you can't fail to meet but if you make your way down the mountain will eventually come to hey one of the most dramatic sights at any winter olympics the ski jumping the larger ramp on the left hand side is for the men on the smaller one on the right is for the women he will be competing for the very first time in this event at an olympics next year. linking the so-called mountain in coastal clusters has not been easy five hundred kilometers of am rail lines have been laid and they have transformed infrastructure but the city believing the region will reap the benefits for years to come. our residents are aware of the conditions they have to face during changes especially. we certainly have many inconveniences because there's not
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a single street in sochi without renovation going on the roads are regularly dug up which causes traffic jams all the time however the residents are aware that it's necessary for their future brilliant future. she has undergone huge change in just six years but the transformation is almost complete and the black sea resort believes he can and will deliver against remember this time next year and. britain's prime minister david cameron has formally apologized for the health care scandal surrounding a major hospital after a public inquiry swathes of negligence and abuse cases at the facility involving
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hundreds of patients resulting reports claims of the ruthless mistreatment of those in need are increasingly being heard right across the country. my wife started hospital in september two thousand and eight to disaster to total chaos when you walk through the door of the world if you smell a. crime no staff available to find a nurse who was left angry. when she moved. on the floor we've been there since breakfast on. the. line a row for you see. maybe kay if you can get into the death of john's wife is just one of the many horror stories term from the now notorious stuff at hospital relatives say it was a lack of compassion on behalf of the staff that stripped many sick people of their
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dignity so much evil that sandy would describe people not just in. song and in the most horrible circumstances. be she'd have to go through what she went through julie baby's mother died at stafford in what she calls appalling circumstances but when she blew the whistle on the hospital's practice says she was faced with a cover up all the evidence was there that the hospital mid staffs was failing and yet the that was never shared with the public and i believe the same as in all the hospitals it's so much that a string of senior officials failed to take seriously data which showed the hospital significantly higher than average death rates relatives of over a thousand people never got to see them discharged from this hospital patients died needlessly off the suffering a catalogue of neglect left in their own excrement dehydrated and without
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painkillers it's the biggest scandal to hit the national health service in recent years but with budgets being slashed and red tape preoccupying hospital manages. health secretary is warning that there are little bits of stuff that dotted all across the u.k.'s health system the results of the public inquiry into the hospital's failings are expected to issue a damning verdict on the way the whole of the n.h.s. functions is soul destroying. this a bit of stuff and everywhere that it's got to makes a you know it's got to be made safe tomorrow because people can't continue to suffer but even with the glare of a public inquiry and the media spotlight it hasn't stopped last month that emerged that a former fold baby being treated for breathing problems was found with a dummy taped to his mouth to keep him quiet the nurse being investigated for the incident is the third member of staff at star to be disciplined in the last six
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months the hospital's chief executive has said we're sorry that despite the progress that has been made there are still some instances of care which fall below that which we want to provide sorry might be too late but the tide of public anger swelling campaigners say it's time for westminster to overhaul britain's beleaguered health service before any more lives and needlessly lost polly boyko r t stafford. of course you can stay up to speed with all the news from around the world by logging onto our website harty dot com heroes some of the stories that are waiting for you at the moment the ever watchful social network a new application is being developed for facebook which is able to track a user's location even when it's switched off you can find out all about that on the web site and to boldly go a group of russian scientists take the plunge diving into a frozen siberia lake escaping from the current outside temperatures in the region
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of minus fifty degrees celsius the footage much more for you which if you write no r.t. dot com. he told me which. are graham's in documentaries in arabic it's all here on our team reporting from the world talks of the r.g.p. interview true story to tell you. the arabic to find out more visit arabic t.v. dot com. u.k. government is said to be considering the use of special black boxes to record people's internet activities all in the neighborhood national security plans have got privacy advocates up in arms and mccaw she's the deputy director of big brother watch organization says the proposal must be further studied before being applied the u.k. government seems to think that it's necessary to monitor the communications of every person in great britain rather than actually looking for the people who are
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actually committing crimes that are going to drive those people further and further underground of the internet and they're only going to capture the the innocent and the incompetent as far as i'm concerned not by any means saying that communications data isn't important but when you have the director general of m i five talking about the evidence that was used to make their spill and calling it pretty heroic assumptions that were being made that the m i five obviously going to need this information and will react to this information if they saying that this bill isn't based on fact it's based on fantasy full. imitations of facts and this is why we need to go and have a very hard look at this bill get more evidence have a much further in-depth consultation to actually get the facts about what is needed and how it can be done. turbulence exploding engines a lack of fuel all of them a threat to a smooth flight and increasingly it seems drunk russian passengers can now be added
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to that list in the last few days alone a number of planes have been forced to make emergency landings because of boozed up travelers putting people's lives at risk now there's talk of a possible prohibition in the skies as what is an integral discovered. please make sure your seat belts are fast and the tray table is securely stowed and the passenger next to you is not intoxicated out of his mind passport tickets and alcohol of course there is a lot of there was a prohibit drinking on board but that doesn't stop many passengers if there is a will there is always a way to sneak that bottle on the plane. recently cases of unruly drunks have been springing up one after another one man attacked a police officer in the v.i.p.'s zone in the moscow airport thinking he was still in another country a different man if the four year old businessman on his way to the egyptian resort of god that lit up a cigarette and literally hit back at
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a flight attendant who tried to stop him the confrontation spiraled into an all out brawl on board should anybody have known table long pretty much he was demanding something crazy he was forcing himself into a cockpit everyone was trying to hold him back he was yelling let me out and forcing his way into the pilot's seat here. here's the catch though the resume normal in russia that would allow airlines to restrain much less to punish unruly customers in fact flight attendants technically are not even allowed to physically subdue anyone having a fit of rage on their plane and that doesn't fly over well with the country's main airline that used up motion could mean we could buy from one to our crews on board to be able to restrain such brash injures we need a law for that and we also want to minster the current air code which would allow not just their flock but all air carriers to be able to refuse service to bassan jurors who have created a problem on board passengers like to see on the end the leg honeymooners chris
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forced a plane heading for thailand to land in his darkest time it was after their festive mood quickly soured and turned into a fight when a flight attendant told them to cut down on the liquor consumption. they stated two reasons for drinking fear find and celebrating their marriage this type of emotional travel drinking has gotten russian lawmakers thinking very seriously so we not too distant future it seems passengers will be able to keep their emotions bottled up in moscow it in r.t.e. . not here in moscow time for the latest business news with natasha the touch france's president fossil alone is joining the ranks of those who a warning about the euro being too high absolutely in fact it goes even further he insists on actively managing a year zero to make europe's recovery faster to speed it up i'll tell you all the details after a short break all right thanks josh. speak
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your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on our team reporting from the world talks to six of the r.p. interview intriguing story how you. see arabic to find out more visit arabic t.v. dot com. mission.


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